• November 12, 2024

    145 I Research & Reflection: TechSmith’s 2024 Video Viewer Trends Report


    In this episode, Liz and Rachel dive into TechSmith's 2024 Video Viewer Trends Report discussing the key takeaways from the report and how they see these trends in practice - specifically in the MedDevice space.

  • November 5, 2024

    144 I Making Great Videos: An Interview with Matthew Pierce


    This month Liz is joined by Matthew Pierce, a video expert from TechSmith! They chat through why video works well for training and their top considerations for creating and using training videos. Matt challenges us to get curious about the videos we watch in order to create the videos we'd like to see. He also shares a lot of great tips for ensuring your video quality is great, even on budget.

  • April 26, 2023

    69 I Q&A: Graphic Design & Instructional Design: What’s the difference?


    What's the difference between graphic design and instructional design? Do I need to know both? This month's Q&A dives into the differences between graphic design and instructional design and how they can work together to deliver engaging training programs that increase the retention of your product knowledge.

  • April 19, 2023

    68 I Case Study: Uncomplicating a Physician Training Webinar

    with Liz & Rachel

    Over time, it's easy for your physician webinar to become crowded with all of your product's key learnings. In this week's episode, Liz and Rachel share a case study where they helped a company go "back to basics" by applying the adult learning principles to highlight key points of the procedure. This helped simplify the slides and the company's messaging in the process.

  • April 12, 2023

    67 I Executive Insights: 4 Clues Your Training Needs a Refresh


    Is your training program outdated? Execs, tune in to hear Liz & Rachel's top 4 clues that it's time for a refresh. This episode will empower you to identify elements of a stale training program that you can easily pin-point by visiting your company's next training.

  • April 5, 2023

    66 I Designing Learning Plans with Marc Vosler


    Liz speaks with Marc Vosler about his career path within the medical device arena. Using his extensive industry experience of over 30 years, Marc explores the foundations of course structure, building assessments, using application exercises rather than traditional lectures, and developing learning plans that work for adult learners. As the founder of Vosler Consulting, Marc Vosler shares his insight based on the combination of his experiences in sales, marketing, and training.

  • January 4, 2023

    53 I Crafting Learning Experiences: A Conversation with Christina Baker


    This episode features an interview between Liz and Christina Baker about facilitating training. With over 18 years of experience as a medical educational device trainer, Cristina shares her insights into best practices for instructional design and effective communication with physicians from different professional backgrounds, as well as how to provide critical feedback to improve performance.

  • April 27, 2022

    17 | Why are Learning Objectives So Important in ID?

    with Liz & Rachel

    Learning objectives can seem like a table of contents that you just want to skip over to get to the "good stuff." Today, Liz & Rachel dig in on why learning objectives are so important, how many to include and how to write objectives that will measure your training success.

  • April 20, 2022

    16 | How Long Does Development Really Take?

    with Liz & Rachel

    How long does it REALLY take to develop a great training course. This week, Rachel and Liz walk through the variables that all add up to the time it actually takes to develop a stellar course.

  • April 13, 2022

    15 | How to Give & Get Effective Feedback

    with Liz & Rachel

    Calling all feedback! Managing the feedback loop can be such a challenge. From busy reviewers and conflicting opinions to ineffective and unspecific feedback, instructional designers can be caught in the middle of a feedback tornado: swirling around, but never arriving at actionable feedback. Today, Liz & Rachel continue their conversation on how to give and get effective feedback on instructional design materials.