November 26, 2024
147 I Case Study: Product Launch Physician Training
What do you do if your physician training eLearning module becomes obsolete before the product is even launched? In this episode, Liz and Rachel discuss this exact experience and how they used "simple tech" to create training that could be iterated for the procedure's key learnings.
July 2, 2024
128 I Focusing on the Patient: A Conversation with Dr. Kathy Magliato
We're so happy to have Dr. Kathy E. Magliato MD, MBA, FACS on the podcast this week. In addition to being one of the few female cardiothoracic surgeons in the world, she is also an entrepreneur, a NY Times Bestselling author, and a nationally recognized media expert on heart disease (fun fact, she helped characters on a pretty popular medical TV show). She has a wealth of knowledge and the training to back it up.
June 25, 2024
127 I Case Study: Gathering Physician Case Studies
Have you ever asked a physician to provide you with a case study, and then, upon receiving it the night before you needed it, found out it didn't include what you needed? In this episode, Liz and Rachel discuss how providing physicians with a case study template gave our client the content they needed - in a way they needed it for an upcoming advanced eLearning course. Tune in to hear how knowing what you're asking for and creating clear instructions can build your case library.
June 19, 2024
126 I Executive Insight: Attend Your Physician Training with Purpose
It's easy for an external or physician training to become crowded with internal employees who want to observe or learn. But how does that effect the learning environment? In this episode, Liz and Rachel discuss the implications of crowding external training with internal employees and the questions you should ask before inviting your internal employees.
June 4, 2024
124 I When the Case Isn’t Textbook: A Conversation with Dr. Melynda Barnes
This month we're joined on the TrainSmart Podcast by Dr. Melynda Barnes. As a a double board-certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon and Otolaryngologist and Chief Medical Officer at Ro, Dr. Barnes brings a wealth of perspective on physician training, how to best coach physician faculty, and the value of a medical device rep. Tune in for great insight, encouragement, and inspiration for working with physicians!
February 27, 2024
110 I Case Study: Patient Selection Webinar
We recently worked with a company to develop a physician-to-physician webinar focusing on patient selection for a complex capital product.
Tune in to hear how we developed slides to guide a physician through sharing his personal experiences with the technology and why our key learning was the need for a strong company representative, even in a physician-to-physician webinar.
February 20, 2024
109 I Executive Insights: Training – Your Company’s 1st Impression
You have one chance at a first impression with your physicians - are you capitalizing on it? In this episode, we explain how training is your company's chance to make a great first impression with your physician users.
From company culture to clinical competency and from developing credibility to creating a strong community, your training program can make a break your relationship with your physicians.
February 13, 2024
108 I Research & Reflect: Physician Adoption of Technology
An AMA Digital Health Study (2022) studied what physicians want before they adopt a new technology.
In this episode, we discuss these top four drivers and how Cumby Consulting intentionally weaves them into their physician training programs. Listen in to ensure you're giving physicians the information they need to adopt your technology!
February 6, 2024
107 I ONE Launch Plan: A Conversation with Amanda DePalma
Amanda DePalma is a Senior Vice President of Marketing who has led the charge of many product launches.
In this episode, she and Liz discuss her key to product launch success: having ONE singular plan between marketing, sales, and training. By having one plan, everyone in the organization knows what to strive for, and can drive toward that plan.
July 18, 2023
81 I Case Study: Physician Training Along the Adoption Curve
This month's case study dives into a physician training program that offers different training modalities along the product adoption curve. Listen in as Liz and Rachel discuss the different components of this training program and how the use of different modalities engaged physicians and provided them with the knowledge they needed - when they needed it!
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