January 30, 2024
106 I True Story: Navigating Medical Device Sales with Peter Herrera
Join Liz as she hears true stories from the field with seasoned professional Peter Herrera. In this podcast, they explore real-life stories from the organizations he's worked with, shedding light on the intricate dynamics between sales reps and physicians.
Peter shares invaluable insights on the importance of efficient training programs, adaptability in sales strategies, and the significance of building personal connections with both internal and external stakeholders as they gear up for the National Sales quarter this month.
January 24, 2024
105 I Case Study: Learning Beyond the NSM
The National Sales Meeting is a great place to learn - but the learning shouldn't stop there! In this episode, Liz and Rachel discuss a workshop they designed and led at a National Sales Meeting.
In the workshop, participants filled out a worksheet (yes, a worksheet!) to help prepare them for an upcoming conversation with an account. By empowering managers to discuss the worksheets with the reps post-NSM, the conversation was able to travel beyond the room, bringing the learning back to each rep's territory.
January 16, 2024
104 I Executive Insight: Know, Measure, & Reinforce Your Goals
Executives, as you and your teams prepare for the National Sales Meeting, we want to share our top tips for success: 1) know your goals, 2) measure your goals, and 3) reinforce your goals.
Listen as we discuss how and why these tips are key for ensuring the success of your National Sales Meeting lasts all year long.
January 9, 2024
103 I Research & Reflect: Ebbinghaus’s Forgetting Curve
German psychologist, Hermann Ebbinghaus, created the Forgetting Curve based on his research in the late 1800s, but it was replicated and confirmed in 2015.
Ebbinhaus's research showed that there is an exponential loss of information that one has learned over time. The sharpest decline occurs in the first hour and the decay is significant through the first day. The curve levels off after about one week.
This means that when it comes to newly learned information, if you don’t use it you lose it! In this episode, we discuss more about this research and what it means for National Sales Meetings.
January 3, 2024
102 I Capitalizing on the NSM Investment: A Conversation with Jill Canada
This week we’re joined by Jill Canada, Vice President of Sales. Jill gives us an executive’s perspective on rep training and how to ensure your team capitalizes on the investment of your national sales meeting. As Jill says, it’s important to have clear objectives - both for learning and fun!
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