July 23, 2024
131 I Case Study: Unbiased Assessments
How can we put testing measures in place to ensure we are achieving competency? One of our clients recently faced this same question. In today's episode, Liz & Rachel walk through the process of creating unbiased assessments, gaining key stakeholder alignment and using a 3-pronged testing approach - all of which resulted in a more confident and competent sales team.
July 16, 2024
130 I Executive Insights: Set Your Assessment Culture
Executives, you have the power to set your assessment culture! In this episode, Liz and Rachel discuss their high expectations for rep assessments, the importance of developing assessments that ensure patient safety and procedural consistency, and the keys for building a culture that understands and supports your assessment culture.
July 9, 2024
129 I Research & Reflect: Miller’s Pyramid of Clinical Competency
Join us as we discuss Miller's Pyramid of Clinical Competency (1990) which is still used in medical schools today. Milller's Pyramid recognizes that a physicians ability to DO the task in actual practice is much more significant than their ability to KNOW the facts. Listen in as Rachel and Liz discuss each level of the pyramid and the ways Cumby Consulting's training programs seek to assess physicians and reps at each level of the pyramid.
July 2, 2024
128 I Focusing on the Patient: A Conversation with Dr. Kathy Magliato
We're so happy to have Dr. Kathy E. Magliato MD, MBA, FACS on the podcast this week. In addition to being one of the few female cardiothoracic surgeons in the world, she is also an entrepreneur, a NY Times Bestselling author, and a nationally recognized media expert on heart disease (fun fact, she helped characters on a pretty popular medical TV show). She has a wealth of knowledge and the training to back it up.
June 22, 2023
77 I Case Study: Data-Driven Evaluation Optimizes Training Program
In this week's Case Study podcast, Liz and Rachel emphasize the importance of using data-driven evaluation processes to evolve training programs. By continually evaluating the training process, companies can identify areas for improvement and optimize their programs to quickly onboard new hires. Tune in to learn more.
June 13, 2023
76 I Executive Insights: Questions for Evaluating Effectiveness
In this month's Executive Insights, Liz and Rachel discuss the questions executives need to be asking to evaluate their training programs' effectiveness. They'll discuss questions to ask for evaluating the overall rep and physician training strategies, as well as questions to ask after every training class or major meeting (i.e., sales meetings, congresses, etc.)
May 18, 2023
72 I TrainSmart Tip: Acing that Needs Assessment Interview
Liz and Rachel share their top 4 tips for acing the interview during the needs assessment process. Learn great questions you can ask and ways you can draw the information out of your interviewees. Get the most out of your time by following these great tips!
May 4, 2023
70 I Making the Case for Needs Assessments with Michelle Lynch
Michelle Lynch joins Liz in this month's interview episode to discuss the importance of conducting a Needs Assessment before making changes to a company's training program. With experience as both a pharma and med device in-house trainer, and as an outside consultant, Michelle is able to provide valuable insight into how to perform an assessment and then effectively deliver recommendations.
November 11, 2022
45 | Case Study: Rep Competency Exams
with Liz & Rachel
Competency exams ensure reps know the IFU and can cover the case accordingly. In this week's episode, Liz & Rachel dive into a case study of how Cumby Consulting worked with a company to develop and implement a competency exam for their reps.
May 11, 2022
19 | Assessing the Need (An Intro to the Needs Assessment Process)
with Liz & Rachel
Let's get into the nitty-gritty! What really is a needs assessment? How long does it take and where do I start? Liz & Rachel are answering these questions and more, walking you through the 7 steps you'll take to reach 1 impressive recommendation.
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