June 27, 2023
78 I Q&A: Failure is Not an Option… Or is it?
"What if someone fails my exam?" In this week's episode, Liz & Rachel discuss what do when someone fails and how that's different than a failure. Listen in to hear more about how you handle this situation is a big part of setting your company culture.
June 22, 2023
77 I Case Study: Data-Driven Evaluation Optimizes Training Program
In this week's Case Study podcast, Liz and Rachel emphasize the importance of using data-driven evaluation processes to evolve training programs. By continually evaluating the training process, companies can identify areas for improvement and optimize their programs to quickly onboard new hires. Tune in to learn more.
June 13, 2023
76 I Executive Insights: Questions for Evaluating Effectiveness
In this month's Executive Insights, Liz and Rachel discuss the questions executives need to be asking to evaluate their training programs' effectiveness. They'll discuss questions to ask for evaluating the overall rep and physician training strategies, as well as questions to ask after every training class or major meeting (i.e., sales meetings, congresses, etc.)
June 7, 2023
75 I Designing Course Evaluations with Naomi Soffa
As Naomi Soffa discusses in this interview, designing course evaluations is an art. Naomi is a full-time trainer and industry veteran with many years of training experience, as well as several years in sales, marketing, and commercial operations. Additionally, she discusses how to create a supportive learning environment that caters to a range of learner types. Join us as we discuss the complexity of competency exams and how to remain objective during an assessment.
June 29, 2022
26 | Is it Cheating? Using Aides During Competency Testing
with Liz & Rachel
Remember back in your school days when the teacher would allow you to use a notecard during your test? You'd write down everything you could on that little 3x5. You may have aced the exam, but did you really learn anything?
June 22, 2022
25 | Questions We Love to Ask
with Liz & Rachel
Show of hands... who likes to take surveys after an event? While some surveys can be monotonous, tedious, too long or too boring, yours don't have to be. It could be as simple as asking the right questions, and avoiding the wrong ones!
June 15, 2022
24 | Do You See What I See? Ensuring Intergrader Reliability
with Liz & Rachel
Our goal for training assessments is for everyone to pass. We want our learners to feel confident with their new knowledge when they walk into their evaluation. An important part of that is grader reliability and consistency.
June 8, 2022
23 | Developing a Rubric: From IFU to Level 3 Evaluation
with Liz & Rachel
You know that folded little piece of paper in your product packaging? The one with the itty-bitty font that no one reads? In Today's episode, Liz & Rachel walk you through how to take the often-ignored, but vital instructions for use, and turn it into a training gem! Developing an assessment rubric from your product's IFU is a process, but will be well worth it in the end.
June 1, 2022
22 | Course Evaluation: More than a Smile Sheet. An Interview with Mara Velez
with Mara Velez
When evaluating our training, it's easy to get stuck in a rut using a quick survey and a smile sheet. We gain feedback on the food, the room temperature and even speaker quality, but it doesn't really tell us if anyone learned anything.
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